Brian Reisinger grew up on a family farm in Sauk County, Wisconsin and lives to tell the hidden stories of rural America. An award-winning writer, speaker, and consultant, Brian worked with his dad on the farm from the time he could walk. His book Land Rich, Cash Poor tells the story of the disappearing American farmer, weaving forgotten history with his own family’s four-generation fight for survival.

A rural columnist for the
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel/USA Today Network, Brian has also been published in USA Today, Newsweek, Yahoo News, PBS Wisconsin/Wisconsin Public Radio’s Wisconsin Life”, Game & Fish magazine, The Daily Yonder, RealClearPolitics, The Hill, The Wisconsin State Journal, The Cap Times, Saving Country Music, and elsewhere. Brian’s writing has won awards from the National Society of Newspaper Columnists, first place in the Seven Hills Literary Contest, a Solas Award, and more.

Brian worked as a journalist covering economic upheaval, then a speechwriter and strategist on Capitol Hill and across the country. Today, alongside independent writing and speaking engagements, he works at
Platform Communications, a Midwestern-based consulting firm. He lives with his wife and daughter, splitting time between a small town in northern California near his wife’s family, and his family’s farm in southern Wisconsin.